Domain Name Squatting

A Blog on Domain name Squatting


Domain name squatting is the practice of registering a domain name that is similar to another registered domain name, with the intent to profit from the confusion that results from people being unable to easily distinguish between them.

Domain squatting has been around since the Internet's earliest days, but it's now becoming more common and less acceptable. In this article we'll cover some basic information about domain names as well as explain some of the most common forms of domain squatting. We'll also show you how you can avoid falling prey to their tricks!

Domain Name Registrations

Domain Name Registers (DNR) are the companies that register domain names for you. They are responsible for maintaining the WHOIS database, which contains records of who owns any given domain name (e.g., “”).

The WHOIS database allows people to view all of the information about your site, like its contact information and links from other sites that link back here.

International Domain Name Registrations

Domain name squatting is a problem. It's illegal, it's a violation of the ICANN rules and it can lead to a lot of trouble for those involved in this practice.

The first thing you need to know about domain name squatting is that it's against the law (and therefore wrong). If you're looking at registering a domain name but don't want yours named after your cat, then there are other ways - like paying someone else $3 million dollars or more - but none of these options will help you keep your money safe from scammers who might try to steal it if they see an opportunity for profit when trying out their skills at "domain squatter."

Online Trademarks

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design that identifies the source of goods or services.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) grants patents for new inventions and trademarks for new brands. Trademarks have to be registered with the USPTO before they can be used as evidence of ownership in court cases involving intellectual property infringement.

Online Brand Protection

Domain name squatting is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences. It's a form of cybersquatting, which is a form of trademark infringement.

The Internet has made it easy for people to find and use your website's URL without permission from you or anyone else who owns the domain name you want to protect. This can happen if someone else puts up their own website using your domain (which may not be visible) or if an employee at their company uses it without telling them about it first—and then leaves the company before they get around to changing anything on their end so that everything still works fine while they're gone!

Similar Domain Names

When you think about domain squatting, the first thing that comes to mind is probably “squat”. But what does squatting mean?

Well, it's pretty simple actually! A domain name is not just any old string of letters and numbers. It has a certain meaning behind it—it could be something like “theworldsmostbeautifulcookbook” or even something more abstract like “a website dedicated to the promotion of peace through love". In order for a particular word or phrase to be considered as being similar enough with another word or phrase (or acronym), there must be some commonality between them in terms of meaning and spelling or pronunciation -- so if someone wants their site hosted at “www.thesquatch-worldsmostbeautifulcookbook” but they accidentally type www dot squatch dot worlds most beautiful cook book instead then this would not qualify as squatting since there are no similarities between those two words at all!

new GTLDs are being released every year and new gTLDs are more likely to be noticed by Google. For example, if someone would like to create the acronym “www” for their website but they accidentally type “squatch dot worlds most beautiful cook book” instead then this would not qualify as squatting since there are no similarities between those two words at all! 

New gTLDs, or generic top-level domains (GTLDs), are new domain name extensions. These can be used for websites and email addresses, but also for social media profiles like Twitter and Facebook.

New gTLDs were introduced in 2011 by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) to allow anyone with a web browser to access the internet without needing an actual computer or smartphone; they are often called “cyberspace” because it's where all of your personal data lives online today!

Learn the basics of domain name squatting

Domain name squatting is a practice where a person registers a domain name that is similar to another company's trademark. This can be done for many reasons, but most commonly it's done to confuse customers and drive traffic away from the original site. While this isn't illegal, it does violate intellectual property laws if you're selling products or services through your website.


In conclusion, we hope you’ve learned all about the basics of domain name squatting. We hope that your knowledge is now more complete and you can go out there and start profiting from this professional advise and knowledge by the 7DigitalSolutions Team.

About Us

7Digital Solutions® is an enterprise, engaged in providing international domain name registration services globally. All the domain extensions under one roof. We manage your domain name portfolio. We provide Services on TMCH (Trademark Clearing House) and Brand Monitoring Services. 7DS has a large portfolios of SSL certificates for providing security solutions online., Hosting Solutions on SSD based Servers, Security Solutions, IT Consulting, International Domain Name Registrations, Domain Name Acquisitions. Trustee Services and everything Domain Name on this Planet, is registered and enabled by 7DS for its clients.